Father: FI53136/21 Sandhill Chili's Jazzy Joaquin B/C 0/0 Back LTV0, VA0, genetic test resultsDM free, CDDY 1 kopio, vWD1 breeder and CD free.
Other: Aptitude test and dog mentality assessment
Mother: FI52403/21 Sinisuven Jemma B/B 0/1 Back LTV0,VA0, eyes clean, genetic test results DM breeder, CDDY free, vWD1 breeder ja CD free.
Inbreeding 0,00 % with 4 generation
Combination in Breeder database.
Heat is expected 31.7.2024
Funky Mallard's kennel, Helena Sorsa +358503518576
Father: FI54567/20 Oenze Bessele fan de Moaie Hôvingen B/B 0/0 S LTV0, SP0, VA0 vWD carrier& CD free
Other: Breeding Inspection of Behaviour passed on 25.9.2022
Mother: FI18900/22 Ohped Dal You Are My Precious Edea C/C 0/0 SP0 LVT0 VA0, DM-carrier, vWD & CD free
Inbreeding 0,00 % with 4 generation
The heat is expected in October.
In this combination there will not be brown puppies.
Ohped Dal kennel, Miia Honkanen
Father: FI10387/22 Milomiss Xmas Ding Dong C/C 0/1 LTV0, vWD breeder & CD free
Emä: FI45279/19 Hazebad Whet's Saina of Power Puff A/A 0/0 SP0 LVT0 VA0, vWD & CD free
Other : Aptitude test and dog mentality assessment 5.7.2024 , Behavioral breeding check-up 3.9.2023.
Inbreeding 0,00 % with 4 generatio
Combination in Breeder database.
The heat is expected in August-September.
Hazebad kennel, Anne Leppänen +358445048966,
Father: DK05895/2018 Diezel B/B 0/0 vWD carrier CD free
Emä: FI23457/20 Sandhill Chili's Graceful Ginevra A/A 0/0 vWD and CD free, VA0, LTV0, healthy eyes
Inbreeding 0,00 % with 4 generation
Combination in Breeder database.
The heat is expected 25.8.2024
Sandhill Chili´s kennel Satu-Marjo Forsström
+358 505119007